Little Alan’s Warriors T-Shirt Orders The image above is a proof and the final version may differ slightly. T-Shirt Order Name* First Last Email* Names and Sizes*Please enter a list of names and their corresponding t-shirt size.We do not yet know what the final price will be per shirt, but will communicate that as soon as we've picked a printer. Currently, the most expensive quote received was about $30/shirt. I would like to help supplement the cost of the t-shirts for more than just myself. Please use PayPal to send Alison your contribution. Her paypal email address is Anything raised ahead of time will go towards lowering the overall costs, and will also cover your shirt.Photos for sentencing slideshowWe will be putting together a slideshow to show during the sentencing. If you would like to contribute a photo or two, upload them here. If you have a lot of photos to contribute, please share them via email or other sharing tool with Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, Max. file size: 6 MB. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.